On Saturday September 14th, the Cambridge Rocket Club hosted it’s nineth launch of the season under ideal conditions. We had 27 degree temperatures, blue skies and calm winds. We had to use the north field as our primary launch site has been re-seeded and will not be available for our use util next Spring. The South-East wind direction provided us with the most convenient launch set-up and recovery zone.
The launch was designated as a mini-launch as we did not bring out the club launch equipment. The turn-out was greater than expected as we had 12 members and one guest fly their rockets. We welcomed new member Doug Bond to the club. Doug first flew model rockets in the Spring of 1968, mere months after I flew my very first model rocket. Welcome aboard Doug.
We ended up having our largest min-launch ever, flying 55 model rockets including multi-stage, cluster, scale and camera rockets flown from 1/2A to G motors. We also flew an ASP Hang Time model, the model that many members will be using at our next launch featuring a Streamer Duration contest. We burned 68 model rocket engines with a theoretical total impulse of 1,540 Neutons.
Our next launch is on Saturday September 21st and as noted above, will feature our annual Streamer Duration Contest sponsored by the Canadian Rocket Store. This year we will be using 1/2A.3-4T model rocket engines due to the high performance levels of the ASP models many members purchased last winter as well as the smaller launch site on the North side of 510 Mohawk Road. We will start flying at 10:00 with the competition starting about 11:30. Should be a very competitive contest and hoping for a large turn-out.